Maryann Shea, MD

Licenses & Certification
Board Certified ABIM since 1998
Massachusetts State License #152782
- Internist, Wellesley Primary Care Medicine
- Internist, UMMHC Community Physicians
- Primary Care Internist, Bellingham Medical Associates, 2001-2003
- Staff Internist, Naval Ambulatory Care Center, LCDR, USNR, 1998-2001
- Chief Resident in Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, 1997-1998
- Resident in Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, 1994-1997
- Doctor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, 1994
- Masters of Medical Science, Boston University, 1988
- Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University, 1984