Joint Assets

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The aching, swollen, stiff joints associated with osteoarthritis (OA) have long been considered an inexorable result of aging. According to conventional wisdom, cartilage, the smooth connective tissue on the end of bones that cushion the joints, simply breaks down over a lifetime of walking, exercising and moving, allowing the bones to rub together. When medications and…

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Joint Assets

HealthWise Spring2016 Hasson 1 150x300

The aching, swollen, stiff joints associated with osteoarthritis (OA) have long been considered an inexorable result of aging. According to conventional wisdom, cartilage, the smooth connective tissue on the end of bones that cushion the joints, simply breaks down over a lifetime of walking, exercising and moving, allowing the bones to rub together. When medications and…

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In Our Sights: Sharper Focus on Macular Degeneration Offers New Hope

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In the not so distant past, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), characterized by a loss of central vision, was deemed just another unfortunate consequence of growing older. The gradual breakdown of light-sensing retinal tissue that results in a blind spot directly ahead has caused each generation to struggle with driving a car, reading a printed page or recognizing a friend’s face. As the…

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In Our Sights: Sharper Focus on Macular Degeneration Offers New Hope

Healthwise Winter 2015 FINAL Hasson 1 300x202

In the not so distant past, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), characterized by a loss of central vision, was deemed just another unfortunate consequence of growing older. The gradual breakdown of light-sensing retinal tissue that results in a blind spot directly ahead has caused each generation to struggle with driving a car, reading a printed page or recognizing a friend’s face. As the…

The post In Our Sights: Sharper Focus on Macular Degeneration Offers New Hope appeared first on Specialdocs Consultants.

Lyme Disease: Solving the Puzzle

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Unsurprisingly for an illness known as “The Great Imitator,” the misconceptions surrounding Lyme Disease continue to proliferate. Acute or chronic? Highly treatable or stubbornly resistant? Misdiagnosed because of symptoms that mimic conditions like lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease, or overestimated for the same reason? While television celebrity Yolanda Foster recently gained national…

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